Tyler Kaye

Student / Software Developer

Tyler Kaye

Aspriring Software Developer

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Hi, I'm Tyler Kaye!

Aspiring Software Developer

My name is Tyler Kaye and I am a Computer Science Major at Princeton University . I am a dedicated and hard-working student who is pursuing a career in software development. Thus far I have worked mostly with Java, C, Python, and Swift, but I also have experience with C++, Objective C, HTML/CSS, MongoDB, SQL, AMPL, Ruby on Rails, R, Git, and Javascript.


Full Name

Tyler Austin Kaye


April 7th, 1996 - Hong Kong



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Princeton University September 2014 - May 2018

Major: Computer Science

Certificates: Statistics and Machine Learning | Engineering Management Systems

Relevant Coursework GPA: 3.84

  • Special Topics in Neural Networks
  • Machine Learning
  • Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Probability and Stochastic Systems
  • Multi-Variable Calculus
  • Information Security
  • Distributed Systems
  • Computer Vision
  • Intro to Programming Systems
  • Optimization
  • Linear Algebra
  • Contemporary Logic Design

Extra-Curricular Activities

  • Princeton University Varsity Sprint Football Team 2014-2016
    • Starting Wide Receiver, Punter, and Kicker
    • All-CSFL Second Team Wide Receiver (2015) | Special Teams MVP (2014)
    • As a member of the Sprint Football team I learned about the rewards of perseverance and hard work, especially in the face of overwhelming adversity. It has taught me to "focus on the process" as my coach says

  • Princeton Engineering Education For Kids (PEEK) Tutor 2014-2017
    • Teach Lego Robotics and general engineering challenges to children at local middle school
    • Challenges include Lego Mindstorm Robotics, Catapult Making, Egg-Drops, etc.
    • Furthermore, I act as an Engineering Mentor for many of the students who are interested in pursuing an education in Engineering in their future
    • PEEK is incredibly rewarding because I am able to get younger students excited about all engineering disciplines and the vast possibilities


  • Academic All-Ivy Recognition 2015
    • Given to 5 athletes best combining academic excellence with athletic accomplishments
  • Quin Morton Freshman Research Award 2014
    • Selected for my Writing Seminar's final research paper titled: “Double Disequilibrium: The Physics Behind Man’s Wilderness Relationship”

Rye Country Day School September 2001 - May 2014

Relevant Coursework GPA: 4.0

  • AP Computer Science
  • Game Design
  • Web Design
  • AP Physics M & E/M

Extra-Curricular Activities

  • Varsity Soccer and Track - 2-Year Track Captain 2011-2014
    • Participated in the 2012 Outdoor Track Nationals
    • 4 x 400-Meter Relay NYSAIS State Champion
    • Voted 2x Most Valuable Player for Track 2013/2014
  • Oral Proficiency Intern (OPI) - Head of Chinese Language Program 2011-2014
    • Teach a weekly class using the Rassias Method
    • Connect with younger students and share appreciation and knowledge of Mandarin
    • Schedule all interns in classes and train them to use the Rassias method.
  • Peer Mentoring - Co-President 2011-2014
    • Mentor for Middle School Soccer and Lego-Robotics course
    • As Co-President, I was responsible for assigning and training other student tutors
  • Young Physicist Team - Ball Stack Project 2013-2014
    • Worked for 8 months on a problem for the USAYPT Competition
    • Worked closely with three-dimensional vectors, torques, and basic computer models.


  • SAT: 2310 (800 Math, 780 Writing, 730 Reading)
  • Subject Tests: Math II (800) | Chemistry (800) | US History (800) | Biology (780)


  • Brown University Book Award (2013)
    • The Brown Book Award honors the junior who best combines academic excellence with clarity in written and spoken expression
  • Founders Award (2012/2013/2014)
    • For 100+ hours of community service

Bronfman Youth Fellowship Summer 2013

As a Bronfman Fellow, I was selected to travel to Israel on a generous scholarship from Edgar Bronfman. Over the course of 6 weeks, we engaged in rigorous text study, provocative discussions, and divisive political debates. Focusing on pluralism, the Bronfman Fellowship surrounded me with differing opinions (religiously, politically, and philosophically) both from the 25 other fellows and the numerous, prominent guest speakers that came to speak with our group. This pluralistic culture enabled me to form my own opinions and ideas, and it taught me how to be a more productive member of a diverse group.

Work Experience

MongoDB Summer 2017

Software Architecture Intern (New York, NY)

Interning at MongoDB gave me a great introduction to systems programming. As a member of the Platforms Server team, I contributed to many of the core processes involved in the machinery of the core MongoDB server. This experience not only enhanced my programming abilities, but also it exposed me to many important software engineering principles and practices.

Main Project: Tasked with beginning the MongoDB Mobile Project to create an embedded database capable of running on a smartphone. This involved creating and exposing a C-API that connected the server and the client through a minimal transport layer. Then, the MongoDB C-Driver was connected on top of the custom C-API and cross-compiled in order to run on an IPhone.
Main Project #2: Began the development of a Swift Driver for MongoDB that wraps the C-Driver and enables easy interaction with the database from Swift. This work involved a lot of research into the backwards compatibility of Swift and how to properly attach Swift code to legacy C-API's.
Other Work: Worked on a variety of tasks throughout the course of the summer ranging from bug fixes to feature addition. Two main patches involved increasing the efficiency of the BSON extractor for the database and re-writing the URI parser in order to fully adhere to the specifications.

Technologies Used: C++, C, Swift, AWS, Git, Scons

MasterCard Summer 2016

Software Architecture Intern (New York, NY)

MasterCard provided me a unique opportunity to learn how the payments industry works. While I was a software architecture intern, I was exposed to and worked with cutting-edge digital payment processes (most notably MasterPass). Beyond the programming though, I learned about the complex relationships in the payments industry with both banks and consumers. Furthermore, I was able to work on several different projects that exposed me to an array of issues and complications that confront the digital payments industry.

Project #1: Worked on the SDK generator and its implementation into the MasterCard developer portal for its OpenAPI initiative.
Project #2: Helped to develop the POC for an iOS embedded registration framework using state-of-the-art security protocols.
Project #3: Tasked with looking into the systems/products of other competitors and provided a recommendation on potential changes / limitations to the platform.
Project #4: As a part of the Intern Business Challenge, a team of other interns and I developed MasterCrop: a SMS and web-based platform to remove the need for middlemen in the agricultural industries of third world countries by pairing merchants with local farmers and handling the transaction over MasterCard’s payment rails. We received second place of 8 teams in the competition.

iXperience Web Development Bootcamp Summer 2015

Student (Cape Town, South Africa)

Studied the language Ruby before learning the Rails framework. Learned extensively about the Models, Views, Controllers concept (MVC). Furthermore, the course focussed on HTML/CSS, routing, databases, SQL, and model associations. Other topics were covered as well such as MapKit, Heroku Deployment, Git, and Bootstrap

Course was very project-based, and throughout the summer I created an Instagram Clone, a Photo Blog, a Travel Diary, and several other small-scale Web-Apps before culminating in my final project

Final Project: GitFriends

  • GitFriends provides an opportunity for Mentors and Mentees to connect, share resources, and code. Mentors can chat with their Mentees, endorse skills, browse companies/jobs, and develop meaningful relationships
  • Technologies Used: Ruby on Rails, Git/Github, Bootstrap, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, JQuery
  • Login: If you would like to see the platform use the following information
                Username: tyler@me.com | Password: password

Ghostery Inc. Summer 2014

Implementation Intern (New York, NY)

While I was at Ghostery I was able to learn about how small internet start-ups operate. Ghostery's unique platform enabled me to explore and observe many different projects and concepts. Collecting vast amounts of data, Ghostery enabled me to learn SQL and how to manipulate databases with complex requests. Furthermore, my project made me coordinate with many of the different groups (sales, development, data analytics, etc.) and allowed me to get a better grip on the company and its culture.

  • Project: Created a customized data request form to be used internally to better handle database queries
  • Technologies Used: ASP.NET, HTML/CSS, Mailer Clients, Bootstrap, AWS, SQL, Data Cookies


RipeOrWrong Spring 2017

Independent Work (Princeton, NJ) - https://github.com/tkaye407/RipeOrWrong

RipeOrWrong is an Android application that identifies bruised and under/over-ripened fruits and vegetables. The application utilizes the FLIR One thermal imaging camera in order to measure thermal variations below the skin of the fruit / vegetable. Additionally, the application employs a deep convolutional neural network designed with the TensorFlow framework in order to implement the classifier. Although this application focusses on apples, it has been designed and documented so that the implementation of other fruits and vegetables is seamless. RipeOrWrong leverages both thermal imaging and modern machine learning to prevent consumers from purchasing undesirable fruits and vegetables

Major Components:

  1. Developed seam carving algorithm to generate a robust dataset of thermal images of fruits
  2. Trained two different convolutional neural networks to grade and identify poor quality fruits and vegetables
  3. Integrated the more successful network into an Android application utilizing the FlirOne thermal imaging camera SDK

Technologies Used: TensorFlow, Convolutional Neural Nets, Android Studio, Java, Python, FlirOne SDK, AWS

Wager Spring 2017

Independent Work (Princeton, NJ) - https://github.com/tkaye407/Wager

Wager is a social media gambling application that enables peer-to-peer gambling. The application uses GeoFencing techniques to encourage users to make bets with those around them in their community.

My Major Contributions:

  1. In charge of the back end of the application including integrating Firebase into the backend
  2. Currently in the process of migrating the database of the application to MongoDB Stitch
  3. Integrated GeoFire to power the geolocation-based features of the application
  4. Incorporated Venmo API into the application to facilitate easy peer-to-peer payments

Technologies Used: Swift, Firebase, GeoFire, Venmo API


Programming Languages

  • 70% Complete
    Java Experienced
  • 90% Complete
    Python Intermediate
  • 85% Complete
    Swift Intermediate

Other Programming Languages

Objective C

Programming Tools / Frameworks

  • 85% Complete
    Cocoa Touch Framework Experienced
  • 90% Complete
    MongoDB Experienced
  • 40% Complete
    TensorFlow Intermediate

Other Programming Tools

Git / Github
AWS / Heroku
MATLAB / R / Julia
Firebase / Stitch
MEAN Stack


Hiking / Camping

I love backpacking in interesting locations. I spent several summer in high school backpacking throughout places like Moab, Utah and Denali, Alaska. When I was 15, I spent 8 weeks hiking in Yunan/Sichuan, China which was an amazing experience.

Sports / Running

I have always been a fierce competitor in any sport that I have played. In high school I fell in love with Track and Field. I had always been a longer-distance runner, but with track I found a great community of athletes and a sport built on personal goals and competition. Then when I went to college I decided to play Sprint Football, a sport I had never played before, but it was an amazing experience nonetheless. Through sports, I have learned not only of the dedication and persistence necessary to succeed at an individual level, but also of the importance of working together as a team.



Thank You For Taking The Time To Learn More About Me!

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe”

Abe Lincoln

Happiness is only real when shared”

Chris McCandless